November 10, 2009

I Didn't See That Coming

Two unexepected bits of TV news today.

ABC ordered 3 additional episodes of The Forgotten. Now, 16 total episodes is certainly not great when a standard TV season is 22 or 23 episodes, but their ratings have been mediocre and the reviews are terrible, and I watch the show myself so I can tell you that it is the perfect show to watch on Saturday mornings when I'm just coaxing myself awake, but I can say with certainty, I wouldn't really miss it if it were cancelled. All of which is to say that I was a little shocked to see that ABC was giving it any degree of love while it shit-canned Eastwick.

Sean Faris is joining The Vampire Diaries for a multi-episode arc so now, even though I was thisclose to deleting my backlog of the show, I'm going to have to catch up and keep watching because a few years back Faris won my heart as Dino Whitman on Life As We Know It. I have a soft spot for everyone on that show, such was my love for it. And this news gave me a brief flashback to the episode wherein Ben (Jon Foster) tells Dino "I swear to God, Dino, if you didn't look the way you do, you couldn't nail a board!" And then Ben went of and had sex with his English teacher. Good times. So I guess since the third episode of TVD was back up on par with the first, and I might get a vampire Dino, I will keep this on my list.
I think this means I've got to abandon hope of catching up on FlashForward though. It was good but it is too big a committment for me at this time. So long FF, it was fun while it lasted.

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