March 7, 2011

Good Morning

Taylor Kitsch

I'm back from my vacation and fully prepared to get back in the swing of posting here regularly.  I'll start with a bit of a vacation in review.  I had decided that I was going to force Meg to watch Friday Night Lights because I knew she'd enjoy it.  I wasn't wrong.  She was instantly in love with it and spent the entire rest of her vacation chomping at the bit to watch more.  I sent her home with the first 4 seasons on DVD and a pre-order for the 5th when it comes out next month.  We'd made it through the first two seasons and started the third before she left.  I'd forgotten some of the plot details from the second and third seasons and was very much enjoying the catch up when she left.  I believe I may have to pick up where we left off and watch it all again myself.  There's something very comforting about seeing the residents of Dillon, TX every day. 

Meg is particularly fond of Matt Saracen which is no big surprise since her boyfriend looks remarkably like Zach Gilford.  When we first watched the pilot she wasn't having Tim Riggins at all.  She was so bothered by his long, greasy hair she couldn't imagine why I'd adore him so.  It was only an episode or two before she understood and now, nearly every time he's on screen, she mutters something under her breath about how gorgeous he is.  Tim Riggins wins everyone over. 

She's back home now and still watching.  Last night she texted me to let me know that she just got to the episode where Cash (Zach Roerig) was introduced and he's "gorge."  Since she has such good taste in boys, I'll obviously be getting her hooked on The Vampire Diaries on her next visit.  What are big sisters for if not to influence the tastes of their younger, impressionable siblings? 

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