May 3, 2010

Weekend In Reviews

No movies again this weekend but I did go see Conan O'Brien's "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On TV" show on Friday. It was appropriately funny and completely lacking in bitterness which confirms what most people suspected through the entire NBC/Tonight Show dust-up - Coco is a class act.

I also caught his interview with 60 Minutes last night and loved it. Not a whole lot of new information but it was nice to see Conan get to talk about what transpired in his own words. I was particularly pleased to see him show some genuine emotion rather than simply cracking jokes through the entire interview as though nothing got to him.

If you didn't see it, you can catch it in its entirety at the blog. They also have some out-takes that didn't make it to air and are well worth watching. He's smart and absurd and genuine and it's a shame that he was treated so badly by a network full of morons and a selfish, unfunny prick but I'm glad he isn't disappearing.

Team Coco Forever!

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