February 12, 2010

Good Morning

(Bryan Greenberg [Jake!] and Uma Thurman in Prime)


Brenda B said...

Loved that movie! He needs a new gig I need to see him more.

Or at least the bastards that are hogging the first season of October road on Blockbuster need to return the DVD's so I can watch it again.

Melissa said...

Good news, B! He's in the upcoming movie The Good Guy (with Alexis Bledel and Scott Porter from Friday Night Lights) and, if you have HBO, he's in their new series "How To Make It In America."

I don't have HBO but you can watch the pilot on YouTube right now. :)

Brenda B said...

Thanks for the heads up on the movie, I'll keep an eye out for it. Always good to see a good guy working. I don't have HBO but i'll watch the trialer on You tube and hopefully they'll release the series on DVD - most HBO series do.

Oh and JAKE!