May 14, 2009

Real Men Wear Pink

I think men who wear pink are awesome. I know plenty of men who get all homophobe about it but I love men in pink and I'm starting a regular post here of examples of all the awesome men who wear pink and all the ways those men find to make pink totally work for them.

A young Jason Bateman shows Ricky Schroder up for the first of MANY times.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs hangs with the President and rocks pink ties.

What does Liev Schreiber wear when he's out running errands with his son?

Chevy Chase is making a comeback (he is OUTSTANDING on Chuck) and celebrating in pink.

Jefferey Donovan is a good looking man, but I think it's the pink t-shirt that makes the arrest so hot, don't you?

Last year, Austin Nichols made a creepy appearance on Friday Night Lights as a teacher that Tami felt was being inappropriately friendly with Julie. She wasn't wrong but he did wear pink so he couldn't be all bad right?

1 comment:

Brenda B said...

I love it when men wear pink!